Katazome (型染め) is a Japanese method of dyeing fabrics using a resist paste applied through a stencil, typically a rice flour mixture applied with a brush or a tool such as a palette knife. Unlike yūzen, stencils are used repeatedly to make a repeating pattern. Pigment is added by hand-painting, immersion dyeing, or both. The area of the fabric covered and permeated by the paste mixture resists the later application of dye, thus creating undyed areas within the fabric. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katazome Learning about Katazome techniques and materials, stencils, resist rice paste, soya milk binder, Mulberry paper, etc. so that I can apply to my carbon project.
Process - inkblots on Mulberry paper (4feet x 1.5feet) painted with charcoal paint made from one chestnut husk and one happy chicken egg yolk.
Quantifying process and progress.
One charcoaled chestnut husk + one egg yolk + 1 tblp water/vinegar = 1 oz. of black ink/paint ![]() Ode to Rothko #1 - watching and waiting for sediment to become pigment, "A pigment is defined as colored, black, white, or fluorescent solid particles that do not dissolve in the material they are mixed with. They change the appearance by absorbing or scattering light and are commonly used in products like paints, inks, and plastics for their aesthetic effects" www.sciencedirect.com 272 Divided 817 pits into thirds, 1 third stays in its original form, 2 thirds get charcoaled and 1 third of that gets turned into ink/paint. 272 pits fit into 1 little can retort. Home wood stove firing over several hours.
817 Prune Plum pits, collected from harvested plums from our front and backyards, dehydrated and frozen for the year's consumption. Pits dried and counted, will be charcoaling and processing for ink, paint and solid substance possibilities.
Collecting in an Atmospheric River: Butternuts, Chestnuts and Black Walnuts collected on Mountain View Community Trail and surrounding area for char-coaling, drying, dyeing, inks, paint and content. Big Thank you to the Schwichtenberg Family and the District of Kent for making this beautiful trail. Lichen on Tree Bark Oat Charcoal - egg yolk binder - material qualities noted, lends itself to 3D investigations. Mixing ink paint on palette makes me think of Franz Kline
Collaborations with a Day Job and Cedar Isle Farm
Explorations with Oat chaff, a different wood stove, and a new Ink Cleaning Oat Grain and using the discard grain to make Oat Ink for the farm With this project, which I call the “Carbon Sink Art Exploration and Experimentation Project,” I will be exploring, working with, and accessing similarities, contradictions, ethics, specific material qualities, and family traditions. I will be experimenting with organic materials that can be composted and that can hold many forms, purposes, and functions. At the same time, I will be mitigating environmental degradation. By experimentally making charcoal with the remains of consumed foods – coffee, avocado pits and skins, and eggshells for example – I will search and play with the qualities of each substance to develop both mediums to work with and content for my artwork.
is for Carbon Coffee Consumption Chocolate Control Colonization Catastrophe Complaint Cat Confusion Change Coalitions Collaborations Construction Consensus Creations Colour me Carbon early morning Poem inspired by the great Colleen Brown @ (@colleen_v_brown) and Language Fluency Assessment Test (COWAT)-Name maximum number of words in one minute that begin with the letter........better be at least 17 !!! |
January 2025